
This is my first block, in my first year of college, and the first semester of the year. A-105 is the name of this block, although there are the irregular students, we still treat them the way we treat our block mates, they're like family, though sometimes I might not feel the love, but I know it's there. I thought these people would be hard to read, but they are almost just like me. Even if we have our own reasons of choosing this course, or being forced into it, for some of us, we still get along well and enjoy our lives as we did when we were in our own high school lives. We were the type of journalism students that meeting us along the corridors wouldn't make you uncomfortable with us because as the president of the student government said, we are the class of journalism that are not that serious, as in the type that all we think about are our studies and plain focus. We have fun, just so you know. Writing is not that hard when it is in your nature. Like this, I have just engaged in blog posting and now I'm addicted. I may sometimes think that posting is lame or what, but this is my passion and I think from now on, I will be enjoying this.

People may say that I think taking this course is easy because I am still in the first semester, in other words, just the beginning and as we all know, the things in the beginning are easy, but as we go on, it will be hard and it will make us want to quit and regret ever starting. Though there are the threats to us future journalists, like the risks of death, imprisonment and stuff, we will continue this journey and achieve our goals despite the discouragements surrounding us. WE. WILL. PUSH. THROUGH. :D
We took this photo at the garden of the National Press Club located in Intramuros, near our university. We went here to interview a journalist who works for a newspaper for our English project. My friend's dad works here so we had this limited resource in our hands. I admit that interviewing a person, or a professional, even, makes me very nervous, but in order to get that information, or tips for us students, I need to overcome that fear, so I kinda achieve what I was aiming for from an interview.
This statement, I can say, is a Journalist's Swag . :D Not to boast, but what I'm saying is, we're not just Journalists and we're more than you could ever think we are. :))

Our block was required to go to the Senate and listen to a hearing for our project in our politics subject. We were also required to make a reaction paper and attach a picture of us with our favorite senator. It was quite hard to commute to the Senate but we did it. What we heard was Senator Tito Sotto complaining about a blogger calling him a plagiarist for copying his statements from others, thus, drafting the 'Cyber-crime Law'. I didn't think that it would go this far. Anyways, we saw some other senators but some just showed up for the roll call and then left. We weren't able to take a picture with our chosen senators but we had a chance on this guy, the Senate President, who was very kind enough to let us, students, go inside his private office in which no media man is allowed. He was so kind that he allowed each of us to have our own turns having a picture with him with this huge official logo of the Senate. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. -redundant, I know.-
If you think having opportunities like these is cool, then I tell you this, THESE are the perks of being a journalist. :D